As a country 85 per cent reliant on food imports, primarily from the US, Antigua and Barbuda is focusing on food security, but climate change and Covid-19 is making this no mean feat. Alice Dyer reports.
Delays in the rollout of the Government’s Environmental Land Management schemes (ELMs) are down to a deliberate policy of ‘listening, learning and improving’, Defra has revealed.
Landlords resuming land from tenants to plant trees under a disputed notice to quit will not be eligible for funding through the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO), Defra has confirmed.
The UK Government in England is lagging behind its Welsh and Scottish counterparts with its ‘complex’ farm carbon methodology, sparking calls for investment to improve the framework.
African farmers, and others across the world, can learn how to advocate in hostile environments from each other, with many feeling their governments are acting against them.
An alliance of environmental groups has launched a three-point attack on the Government, following the publication of its latest air pollution figures.
A succession of storms have battered farming communities across the UK, with more than 2,000 claims already made to rural insurer NFU Mutual.
With Storm Eunice set to be one of the worst storms to hit the country in the last three decades, farmers must make safety their top priority.
Farmers and rural communities are bracing themselves for extremely strong winds from Storm Eunice this weekend as the Met Office issued a rare Red Weather Warning.
News that financial support for farming will be prioritised by the Welsh Government has been welcomed by the sector, although concerns remain about how it will be delivered.