A conservationist has warned that adopting a ‘land sparing’ approach to food production would lead to ‘ecological apartheid’.
The Government has set out a raft of legally binding targets, including a 40 per cent reduction in on-farm nitrogen and phosphorus pollutants and a 16.5 per cent increase in woodland cover, to help boost the natural environment.
Ministers have been accused of allowing England to free ride on Scotland and Wales to meet climate targets for farming.
Ministers have been accused of allowing England to ‘free ride’ on Scotland and Wales to meet climate targets for farming.
Prospects for a scalable, high-integrity market for farm?soil?carbon?have taken a step forward with the publication of minimum requirements for?soil?carbon?codes.
Tress planted outside woodlands could be worth as much as £3.8 billion, a new Government study has claimed.
Wheat is successfully being produced in an indoor vertical farm using no soil or pesticides and less water when compared with conventional methods.
Upto 1,000 hectares of Oxfordshire agricultural land is set to make way for a giant solar farm that could sit amid community allotments and bee hives, it has been revealed.
An increase in agroforestry is essential to meet nature and climate targets, while securing long-term food production, a new report from the Woodland Trust has shown.
An increase in agroforestry is essential to meet nature and climate targets, while securing long-term food production, a new report from the Woodland Trust has shown.