A new citizen science campaign has been launched in the UK by The Country Trust to help develop a hands-on understanding and appreciation of soil.
Farmers Guardian’s news team talk about the latest in the food fraud scandal of South American beef being branded as British at a UK supermarket and Olivia Midgley speaks to RSPB chief executive Becky Speight
NSA calls out former Defra representative for incorrect and damaging statement on UK sheep farming.
Standardisation of greenhouse gas (GHG) data is urgently needed if the ruminant livestock industry is to reach net zero.
This week’s budget has garnered a mixed response from the farming sector, with some raising concerns that energy support for business and rural levelling up have been side lined in favour of more general economic gains, while others have welcomed clarity on property relief, pensions and machinery expenditure.
A new campaign to ‘Spare our land for food and nature’ has been launched by countryside charity CPRE.
Slow progress on climate change mitigation policies mean the Scottish Government is being left behind, not only by other countries but by the Scottish farming industry itself.
Dairy giant looks to attract young people into farming.
With the interpretation that livestock production is destroying the planet, has the role which ruminants play within society been forgotten?
A TOTAL of 10 million is now available from the Woodland Carbon Guarantee’s 50m fund to support new woodland creation, tackle climate change and provide new long term payment incomes for farmers.