A top bid of 38,000gns led the Aberdeen-Angus bidding at the first round of February bull sales at Stirling, with ten bulls in total making six figure sums to average 6,533 and a clearance rate of 74
Beef shorthorn bulls sold to a high of 25,000gns to average 5,743 which was less 384 on last year, with a 71 per cent clearance rate. Heifers averaged 2,879, less 150 on last year.
As cattle prices ease back at the start of 2022, Cedric Porter takes a look ahead to what the year might hold for the beef market
Fears the EU could place further restrictions on UK produce following the Australia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) have been raised by the British Veterinary Association.
A Yorkshire suckler beef farmer has increased his weaning percentage by 5 per cent by focusing on dry cow nutrition and its impact on colostrum quality.
The National Beef Association have announced the Bryn Lloyd and Dafydd Lewis as judges for the 2022 NBA Beef Expo, which is taking place at Darlington Farmers Auction Mart in May.
There is no doubt climate change is real and we have to reduce, halt and reverse it while at the same time feeding a growing population, which is a huge challenge.
Ease of management and good fleshing ability were two of Hugh and Cara Thomson’s main attractions to the Aberdeen-Angus breed. Katrina Macarthur reports.
Duncan Parker is determined that his farming objectives will continue primarily as a food producer whilst embracing new payment systems and working towards net zero.
Multi-species leys and alternative forage crops are becoming an increasingly important element of maximising production and reducing costs for one KPI-driven livestock producer.