NSA's chief executive Phil Stocker said he was seeing a 'breakdown in traditional sheep farming and grazing practices', adding with holdings becoming unviable and tenants often not having the opportunity to benefit from the schemes that land is being entered to
TFA chief executive George Dunn said it was a shame that we needed a Code of Practice to tell people how to behave, adding 'for too long tenants have felt marginalised and mistreated and this Code of Practice is a major step forward for the sector'
The Sturdy family, who are tenant farmers from Yorkshire said their ‘heart sank' after being told an appeal had been lodged against a decision to block a solar farm being developed on half of their farm
As tenant farmers wait on Defra’s next move on recommendations to improve the sector, chief reporter Rachael Brown spoke to new Tenant Farmers Association chair Robert Martin
Over 60 tenants attended a meeting at Penrith Auction Mart last night (April 3). Many had either already been given notices to quit by their landlord or were having difficult conversations
Solar developers have been criticised by many in the industry for adopting an opportunistic approach to obtain tenanted land where a ‘cheap grid connection' could be sourced
The Chancellor 'closes the door' on proposals to restrict Agricultural Property Relief only to landlords prepared to let long-term. TFA had called for the change to encourage more secure Farm Business Tenancies
TFA chief executive George Dunn reflects on latest meeting with Farming Minister
With England considering a tenant farming commissioner, chief reporter Rachael Brown spoke to Scotland’s Dr Bob McIntosh about the sector north of the border
Andrew Dakin featured on the Farmers Guardian podcast this week to discuss the intention of his landlord's intention to sell his farm from to a solar development - leaving him without a livelihood and the job he has loved all of his life