The wellington boot brand long favoured by farmers, festival goers and royals has gone into administration
The government is considering voluntary plans for supermarkets to introduce price caps on basic food items such as bread and milk
The future of apple and pear growing in the UK is ‘on a knife edge’ after it emerged that more than a third of planned orders for trees have been cancelled.
Increasing the amount of meat substitutes eaten in processed products is likely to have ‘perverse’ environmental consequences, according to a top professor.
Retailers Tesco and Waitrose have announced support packages totalling almost £17 million for egg producers and suppliers, while Noble Foods announces price rises from next month.
Free-range egg farmers were calling for supermarkets to look to the dairy sector for answers as the average producer loses 29p for every dozen eggs they sell.
Ploughing more money into Defra’s Environmental Land Management (ELM) scheme will keep food prices down for consumers, according to AHDB technical knowledge exchange manager Harry Henderson.
Retail giant Waitrose has made farmers and producers the stars of its Christmas campaign as a way of thinking them for all their hard work this year.
Industry groups have reacted with anger after it was revealed that a leading supermarket has opted to sell imported eggs while UK producers battle to meet demands.