A plan to protect and improve the health of honey bees in England and Wales has been published by Defra and the Welsh Government.
A lack of technical and financial clarity about agri-environment schemes has proved a ‘roadblock’ for farmer and landowner up-take, a new report has highlighted.
A major new report could well form the basis of suckler cow management and support schemes for many years to come.
Farmers already do so much to preserve our countryside, and there is more they can do, but they must be given the tools they need by Government, says High Peak Conservative MP Robert Largan.
Defra’s new Environmental Land Management (ELM) scheme must stop the uplands from being destocked and wilded by stealth, says Phil Stocker, chief executive of the National Sheep Association.
US Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue has warned global adherence to rules set out in the EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy would double world food prices and plunge millions more people into food insecurity.
An independent report commissioned by the Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Livestock has concluded new methods of mitigating carbon emissions from livestock production must be found to reach net zero targets by 2050.
This year we have seen our farms go from being deluged by rain to bone dry in a matter of months.
Measuring greenhouse gas emissions is nothing new at Jack Buck Farms, Lincolnshire, where the process has been under way for more than 15 years. Angela Calvert reports.
Prof Judy Buttriss, director general of the British Nutrition Foundation, tells Hannah Binns how messaging around sustainable nutrition could support UK agriculture.