Food price rises will be inevitable if the UK Government maintains its proposed global tariffs in a no-deal Brexit scenario, a leading trade expert has warned.
New season lambs fell by 5 per cent to 249p/kg in the week to May 27 and old season prices were 11 per cent lower at 187p/kg.
Scotland’s pork industry appears to have weathered the Covid-19 storm better than its counterparts in the United States and Ireland.
Efforts to promote steaks from all parts of the supply chain have begun to bear fruit, with sales up 20 per cent year on year.
April slaughter statistics show that Scottish abattoirs, on average, processed 15 percent fewer cattle per week than during March.
The Agriculture Bill returning to Parliament this week is an important step in the UK’s departure from the EU, setting out the route to a new, more tailored system of agricultural support, as well as providing the basis for UK farmers to embrace the latest technology.
The weather market is still in play and more dry weather is forecast for the EU in the coming weeks.
Dairy farmers have teamed up to showcase support for Co-op, after it increased its premium milk price despite severe market disruption due to Covid-19.
Feed market volatility has seen prices hike in recent weeks, with some farmers reporting increases of £25/tonne at the start of April.
Retailers’ decisions to stock foreign beef at a time when British prime cuts are in desperate need of a market have angered the farming industry. But what is the effect on farmgate prices?