The next 5-6 weeks will be key to see whether farmers push the seed drill onto every available hectare.
Record low or negative interest rates could see more farmers investing in new projects such as diversifications, expansion or kit that will help make them more efficient and reduce their carbon emissions.
Grain and oilseed analysts were watching Brazil to see the impact of wet weather on soybean harvesting and corn plantings.
Lower than expected global production and steady demand mean the price will remain the same in February
Sellers have been reluctant to come forward in 2020 but there has been interest from buyers, particularly from lifestyle buyers
Dairy analysts were in a bullish mood at the ’I Can’t Believe It’s Not the Semex Conference’
Prices have been driven by global rises and domestic tightness
Of mounting concern is Argentina’s crop conditions, with the forecast for the next week or so looking to remain dry.
Bird flu and a fall in Asian demand will weigh heavy on the industry
Unions welcomed the move to increase the amount of food and drink it buys from British suppliers by £3.5bn a year within the next five years