It follows an appeal by the National Pig Association (NPA) for the retailer to do more to support the pig industry
New crop wheat prices have hit new contract highs as further global uncertainty strikes with India announcing a wheat export ban
Businesses with borrowings will feel increased pressure at a time of already soaring costs after the Bank of England announced a rise in interest rates.
Tight carryover stocks mean there is a bullish outlook for global and domestic markets as traders look ahead to the new crop
The retailer has announced a support package for farmers following a call for supermarkets to step up
The dairy has announced a 1.25ppl increase from June 1
The processor said it was aiming to give a 45ppl price in July
The cooperative has announced a 2ppl increase from June 1
Dairy farmers supplying Mller who meet the conditions for Mller Advantage1 will receive a milk price of 41.5ppl from 1 June 2022, a 1.5ppl increase.
The rising cost of living could lead to public riots, civil unrest and a major food scandal on a scale not seen since the horsemeat affair in 2014, say industry experts.