Tight carryover stocks mean there is a bullish outlook for global and domestic markets as traders look ahead to the new crop
The retailer has announced a support package for farmers following a call for supermarkets to step up
The dairy has announced a 1.25ppl increase from June 1
The processor said it was aiming to give a 45ppl price in July
The cooperative has announced a 2ppl increase from June 1
Dairy farmers supplying Mller who meet the conditions for Mller Advantage1 will receive a milk price of 41.5ppl from 1 June 2022, a 1.5ppl increase.
The rising cost of living could lead to public riots, civil unrest and a major food scandal on a scale not seen since the horsemeat affair in 2014, say industry experts.
Farmers must not be forced to pay the price for retailers waging a cost-cutting war, industry leaders have warned.
The cooperative said prices for all EU dairy commodities has continued to increase significantly allowing them to deliver a ’substantial’ rise
Minette Batters told NFU Council failure to implement a strategy to underpin food security would suggest the Government was focused on putting farmers out of business