Speaking to Sky News, Sir Keir Starmer said it was a political choice. He said you could not have waiting lists coming down while maintaining the 'tax break' for farmers
The Prime Minister was due to deliver a speech outlining the Government's plans to create new towns in England, but he was forced to leave when protesting farmers turned up and pipped their horns
This week from Rachael Brown, Farmers Guardian chief reporter
Farmers with wool still on-farm have been urged to send it, with strong demand seen at British Wool auctions
It is understood NFU, TFA, CLA and the CAAV have been invited to a meeting next week (February 18) with Treasury officials. The devolved farming unions are also expected to meet in a separate meeting
Defra urges poultry keepers to be vigilant as it promises payout for lost birds
Farmers Guardian and the Tenant Farmers Association (TFA) are carrying out a joint survey to better understand the real-life implications of the proposed changes to IHT
Keir Starmer refused to apologise for the remarks made the Farming Minister, Daniel Zeichner, earlier this week that the agricultural industry was not high in the Government's 'pecking order'
The county farms estate currently comprises more than 60 fully equipped residential dairy and mixed livestock farms
Gwynfor Davies, via email, on farmers becoming dependent on Government support