Increased land values were raising barriers to new entrants to farming as natural capital and afforestation interest drive Scottish farmland markets according to a new report by Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC).
The Welsh Government should seriously consider reintroducing a derogation allowing grassland farms to spread up to 250kg per hectare of nitrogen, Senedd members have said.
Housing is critical to closing productivity gap between rural and urban areas but the planning system is holding back new developments
Multi-asset estates are partially protected from income volatility due to their diversity, according to Carter Jonas
Keeping up to date with changes in rules and regulations is vital for landlords. Strutt and Parker’s Sarah Roberts takes a look at the changes affecting property.
Having recently read through and advised on yet another Farm Business Tenancy (FBT), which, as sadly now seems to be the norm, has a short fixed term and reams of overly onerous and restrictive tenant obligations, along with an eye-watering rent, I thought it right to put pen to paper on the subject.
Delays in the rollout of the Government’s Environmental Land Management schemes (ELMs) are down to a deliberate policy of ‘listening, learning and improving’, Defra has revealed.
Dairy farmers are constantly being urged to increase milk from forage, but the exact financial benefits of doing this are not always spelled out.
Taking a targeted approach to the use of manures and slurries as part of a comprehensive nutrient management planning process is essential to keep input costs manageable.
Ross Dilks, an agronomist with Agrii and a dairy farmer in Derbyshire, says although his clients have tried a variety of home-grown feed sources over recent years, his experience shows grass is consistently the most cost-effective way to feed dairy cows.