Agricultural levy board AHDB is considering quitting its Stoneleigh Park base in favour of smaller premises, it has been revealed.
Milking 10 times in seven days otherwise known as 10 in seven, is becoming a popular option for farmers wanting to reduce labour and improve their work-life balance, but how does it work in practice? Ruth Wills finds out.
The dairy has announced a 1ppl farm gate milk price rise from October 1
As UK farmers and investors face major economic uncertainty in the months ahead, we look at how this is affecting the market for farmland
Farmers have been urged to ensure their property is eligible to avoid a ‘hefty tax bill’
Dairy cows in New Mexico have been euthanised due to pollution from a nearby Air Force base after their milk was found to be unfit for human consumption. By Bruce Jobson
Tributes have been paid to Holstein UK chief executive Sue Cope who has died at the age of 54 following a ‘short but courageous’ battle with illness.
It comes on top of the almost 22 per cent increase recorded in September, according to the AF Group
It comes on top of the almost 22 per cent increase recorded in September, according to the AF Group