As conventional plant protection products come under increasing threat, attendees of Cereals Live heard how replacing chemistry with biology could be a cost-effective solution.
The Farm Sprayer Operator of the Year award has been won by Matt Fuller of Heathcote Farms, Toddington, Bedfordshire.
With compromised ridge structure likely to be a consideration when planning slug control in potato crops this season, Farmers Guardian asks a leading agronomist for advice.
Swarms of locusts have wreaked havoc on farms in Pakistan, wiping out swathes of winter crops and leading to fears of long-term food shortages.
In conjunction with Bayer we will be keeping track of winter wheat crop development this season as emergence is likely to be variable following the challenging conditions.
The unprecedented number of aphids being found in sugar beet crops are presenting a serious ongoing challenge to virus control this season, with risk of transmission said to be very high.
As wheat ears emerge in crops across the UK, Dr David Ellerton, technical development director at Hutchinsons emphasises the importance of careful planning of T3 sprays
Lemken has announced the production of its field sprayer ranges is to be ceased at the end of 2020.
The agronomics and economics of growing more than one crop side-by-side are stacking up for one group of farmers who are experimenting with intercropping techniques on their farms.