For many potato growers, 2020 will be the first year they begin sprout suppression with foliar applied maleic hydrazide (MH) in the field as the first step to storage without CIPC.
Nine ‘innovative’ agri-tech projects across the UK are set to benefit from £24 million in Government funding, in a bid to reach net zero food production and reduce carbon emissions.
The Wildlife Trusts has called on the Government to introduce a pesticide reduction target which cuts overall use by at least 50 per cent over the next 10 years.
The window before harvest is an opportunity to check and map the black-grass situation to plan for the months ahead. Bayer’s Darren Adkins gives his top tips on what farmers can be doing right now.
A review of evidence and new trials work have revealed the factors most likely to influence cabbage stem flea beetle (CSFB) pressure in winter oilseed rape.
Bayer will pay up to $10.9bn (£8.8bn) to settle cancer claims linked to itsglyphosate-based herbicide Roundup.
BYDV management, yield expectations and drilling dates were among the topics raised at the AHDB East Anglia Monitor Farms summer meeting.
Rain showers have raised the risk of fusarium head blight in some winter wheat crops where T3 applications were missed.
With harvest on the horizon, growers are being reminded that grain store hygiene will be at the heart of maintaining crop quality post-harvest.