In the last of our potato agronomy series, Farmers Guardian gets the view on harvest prospects and talking points of the 2024 season from agronomists in Scotland and England
NFU says unfair to just blame growers when factors such as weather and climate change play a role
Announcing the finalists for the British Farming Awards Diversification (Large) and Diversification (Small) of the Year 2024
Free online platform reveals results of annual Survey of Crop Pests and Diseases since 1970
New guide will offer breeding companies insight into water and emissions efficiencies
Helen is a fifth-generation farmer who farms with her parents, David and Anne Shaw, husband, Craig, and their children, Alfred and Hattie, at Grey Leys Farm in the Vale of York. The farm comprises 162 hectares (400 acres) of grass, maize and wholecrop for the herd of 240 pedigree Jersey cows and more than 200 followers
James farms Dairy Shorthorns east of Kendal, Cumbria, with his parents Kathleen and Henry, wife Michelle and sons Robert and Chris. The fifth generation to farm at Strickley, he is also vice-chair of the Nature Friendly Farming Network
Ian farms in partnership with his family near Knutsford, Cheshire. They manage 700 commercial pedigree Holstein/Friesians on 445 hectares (1,100 acres). Replacements are home reared and cows are on a composite system
Farming 122 hectares (300 acres), the main enterprise consists of 800 breeding ewes and cider made on-site from their orchards. Kate is a mum of two, runs Kate’s Country School on-farm and is the woodland creation officer for Stump Up For Trees
Following last autumn's troublesome drilling, farmers should think carefully before embarking on planting