Over the last three years the Loewith family, of Summitholm Holsteins, has made three significant changes to its cow management strategy and reaped the benefits. Hannah Noble reports.
A new rapid exit parlour has contributed to rising milk yields and improved cow health for Harry Roper, who is now planning to take cow numbers up to 400 in the not too distant future. Hannah Noble reports.
This year the British Mastitis Conference took place online and covered a wide range of topics around the latest research into mastitis from a selection of UK-based and international speakers. Hannah Noble reports.
This year AgriScot took its show and seminar offerings online and welcomed hundreds of visitors through its virtual doors. Hannah Noble reports.
The 2020 National Milk Records/The Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers Gold Cup will be awarded as part of the Dairy-Tech online event early next year and marks the 100th year of the award.
This year the British Mastitis Conference took place online and covered a wide range of topics around the latest research into mastitis from a selection of UK-based and international speakers. Hannah Noble reports.
Grazing some classes of livestock on brassicas outside over winter could prove to be a cost-effective feed source if managed correctly. Helen Mathieu of Germinal shares her tips to realising their potential.
The third year of ADAS’s grass YEN competition highlighted the challenges a year of unpredictable weather has had on grass growth with quality down as well as yields across the UK. Hannah Noble reports.
Park Farm is well on its way to hitting Cambridge University’s target of becoming carbon neutral by 2048. Hannah Noble finds out more.
Dairy farmer Philip Halhead anticipates his investment in new calf housing will have a lifetime of health benefits for his herd replacements and help to increase their longevity. Hannah Noble reports.