The Dorset Horn and Poll Dorset sheep breeders had a record breaking day in the ram sale at the May Fair at Exeter with the overall champion setting a new breed record of 6,800gns, for Matthew and Adam Care Looe, Cornwall.
VIRTUALLY the entire milking portion together with heifer calves from the Stardale herd of pedigree Holsteins went under the hammer on-farm at Barton, Preston, on behalf of J. Burrow and Son.
At the Farmers Guardian supported spring show and sale of pedigree Herefords at Shrewsbury bids reached 11,000gns for the bull, Rempstone 1 Virus N598, while a new record average for the 27 bulls of 4,404 was achieved.
SALERS were the breed of choice when Geoff and Olwen Lawrenson set up their suckler herd almost two decades ago and it has proved to be a wise decision.
A new centre record of 9,500 was set at the show and sale of continental cross suckled calves at Carlisle.
Ovine pulmonary carcinoma (OPA), often known as Jaagsiekte disease, remains one of the most challenging diseases affecting the sheep industry.
EasyCare sheep are proving to be the answer to sustainable lamb production for Lincolnshire farming enterprise. Angela Calvert reports.
With an extended programme this year UK Dairy Expo highlights the very best of the dairy industry.
THE store cattle sale at Pateley Bridge included the show and sale of show potential cattle which had a record entry 17 haltered calves.
TEN years on from the first Borderway UK Dairy Expo, it returns this year with a number of new additions to the programme including a series of seminars.