For any beef operation, finding a reliable route to hitting targets for daily live-weight gains (DLWG) and finishing animals efficiently is critical.
For every dairy farmer, one of the most important and tricky challenges is hitting upon the perfect feed.
In the past, when the world’s population was far smaller than it is today, food production was simpler. People hunted, grew and processed their own food.
Here at Duynie, we meet lots of inspirational farmers, but every so often someone really stands out from the crowd. Sam Bailey is one of those people.
Living, as we are, in the grip of a climate emergency, sustainability is at the top of the farming agenda. Why? Because feeding the world’s growing population and leaving future generations a habitable planet depends upon it.
In a modern beef set-up where success is measured in black and white by daily live-weight gains, the right feed at the right time makes all the difference. On Kevin Hammet’s Herefordshire farm, Duynie Moist Blends didn’t disappoint.
Co-products have an increasingly vital role to play in safeguarding the sustainability of global agriculture and our planet, says Duynie Feed.
New technologies improved our understanding of the modes of action of forage inoculants and powered the search for new bacteria strains to better address producers’ challenges.
High-moisture corn (HMC) offers many benefits. It has a high energy content, an earlier harvesting window, is highly digestible for livestock and doesn’t require drying.