Established for more than 50 years, Volac is British-based, family-owned business and world-leader in dairy nutrition.
Sponsored by Sinclair McGill
Despite grassland being quite resilient, it took a battering in summer 2022 which weakened the swards and left many vulnerable to pests and diseases. Some TLC might be needed to recoup their value, says Limagrain's John Spence .
Add a cover crop or integrate grassland with an arable crop. These are two strategies that farmers could take in managing grassland pests in the absence of an effective pesticide. Sponsored by Sinclair McGill
Yara is determined to play its part in addressing climate change and we believe that by working with farmers to address emissions from agriculture we can make a positive contribution and help feed the world responsibly.
Peter Smith, Volac’s business manager, provides some easy tips on how to mix Ecosyl.