Co-formulations claim to offer key protections against major cereal and oilseed rape diseases
Agronomist offers advice following glyphosate resistance find
NFU campaigning for 'earned recognition' to prevent farmers undergoing multiple standard checks
Simon Nelson advises farmers on a wide range of arable and forage crops across Cumbria, north Lancashire and into south west Scotland
'Detail delivers' was the theme of the BeetTech25 technical conference for sugar beet growers and their advisers
New research says early detection of pest population is key
A ‘barn filling’ Group 4 feed wheat, and the second new Group 1 variety in not so many years were highlights of the 2025 AHDB Recommended List for cereals
Despite the challenges that growers faced in 2024 also being seen in AHDB variety trials, the 2025 Oilseeds Recommended List showcases large yield increases in several categories
Many growers have been forced to drill cereals much later than they would have liked this season after persistent rainfall has put fieldwork on the backfoot. Alice Dyer gets tips for success from two experts.
In the last of our potato agronomy series, Farmers Guardian gets the view on harvest prospects and talking points of the 2024 season from agronomists in Scotland and England