NFU deputy president Abi Reader said: "It is vitally important that there is a voice around the Cabinet table who is able to make the case for the necessary budgetary allocation for Welsh farming"
The display of 5,500 wellies will depict the 5,500 agricultural jobs that are predicted to be lost based on 100 per cent take up of the Sustainable Farming Scheme
Outgoing NFU president Minette Batters, who was succeeded by Tom Bradshaw this week, expressed her frustration around Mr Sunak's use of language
The risk levels are still considered to be too high for gatherings of ducks, geese and swans, which will remain prohibited
There is growing frustration amongst industry, but the Rural Affairs Minister Lesley Griffiths insisted the Sustainable Farming Scheme would not undermine food security and that she was ‘listening'
CLA Cymru director, Victoria Bond said: "This is damning evidence, but it only proves what we already know - rural communities feel ignored
Farmers' Union of Wales said the Welsh Government's proposed SFS would bring direct farm payments to an end completely, while introducing a 'mountain of costly restrictions and requirements'
30 farmers blocked the roads outside Lesley Griffith's office in Wrexham to share their frustration with Wales' current farming policies
With one month left in the final consultation period for the Sustainable Farming Scheme, chief reporter Rachael Brown spoke to farmers in Wales about their concerns on the direction of Welsh Government policy
Farmers said rural budget cuts, increased taxes and production costs, the emotional and financial impact TB had placed on business, alongside proposals to take agricultural land out of production for tree planting had taken its ‘toll' on the emotional and financial well-being of farmers