Under the new recommendations farmers will be able to choose to delay the removal of a cow or heifer in the last 60 days of pregnancy and animals that have given birth in the previous 7 days, subject to biosecurity conditions to protect other cattle in the herd
Our chief reporter Rachael Brown gives her analysis on this week's announcement from Welsh Government to delay the launch of Sustainable Farming Scheme to 2026
The Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs Huw Irranca-Davies confirmed that BPS would continue to be available in 2025
The NFU is calling for the Government to recognise 'the extraordinary nature' of what has been the wettest 18 months since 1836, warning that many farms may be unable to survive
The roundtable will prioritise looking at ‘further and alternative proposals' to achieving additional carbon sequestration within SFS
Wales' new First Minister Vaughan Gething shares his farming roots and how a combination of traditional farming culture alongside cutting-edge innovation and diversification was the route for a successful future for Welsh agriculture
The funding schemes will provide support investment in on farm infrastructure to help 'build resilience to the potential impact of climate change'
Huw Irranca-Davies wants to work out the 'knotty issues' with the Sustainable Farming Scheme rather than delay its rollout
Prof. Glyn Hewinson will chair the TAG which will meet quarterly and provide advice to Welsh Ministers
As a glass-half-full person, I am hopeful that the new Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs, Huw Irranca-Davies, will bring with him new insight, new vigour and new ideas