The NFU said their campaign to overturn the family farm tax has attracted an increase of 50,000 signatures over just two days in the lead-up to and after the NFU's mass lobby of MPs in Westminster this week
The NFU said the Government's initial claim that only 27% of farms will be affected by the new IHT policy 'materially underestimates the true proportion'. Their analysis found 'around 75% of commercial family farms will be above the £1 million threshold'
Jeremy Clarkson has called on a third generation farmer to lead protests against changes to Agricultural Property Relief and help save family farms
The mass lobby on November 19 is now at full capacity. Farmers who have not already registered for the event are warned not to travel down to London and told there will be another opportunity to make their voices heard
Union president Tom Bradshaw says farmers' fury was made clear during emergency Budget talks with Defra
The mass lobby of Parliament will take place in Westminster on November 19
"The control zone is there through no fault of any member within that control zone"
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have not yet licensed the use of BTV-3 vaccines, but said they would keep it under review
Mr Bradshaw said October 30 would be the ‘moment of truth', when farmers will see ‘whether this Government backs British farming or not'
NFU president Tom Bradshaw said the union's response covers ‘some of the benefits' which farm assurance schemes provides, but it also covers the ‘inescapable issues' that must be addressed