In an opposition debate in Parliament on Tuesday (October 8) Mr Reed said the idea of a commissioner had ‘merit' and there would be an announcement ‘shortly'
Peer expresses her 'disappointment and bewilderment' but vows to fight on for tenant farmers
The Commissioner will be appointed this autumn
With the focus on landlord-tenant relationships at the NFU tenant conference, some farmers felt more needed to be done to tackle bad practice by landlords and their land agents
One-day event aims to discuss how the sector adapts to the changing farming landscape
Alongside calls for a Tenant Farming Commissioner, Ms Rock said legislative changes were needed to 'open up the ability for tenants to diversify their farm businesses'
With obstructive tenant and landlord relationships currently in focus, our chief reporter Rachael Brown looks at the Duchy of Cornwall and how it is working with tenants to achieve its net zero goals
TFA has had 7,000 advisory contacts with its members and has spent more than 1,700 hours delivering advice in the last year, with many of those disputes between landlords and tenants
Baroness Kate Rock, who led the Rock Review into tenant farming said she was disappointed, adding there was already 'sufficient evidence' to back the need for a Tenant Farming Commissioner
Baroness Kate Rock said with many of the responses from the Government packed into the Farm Tenancy forum, a lot was resting on its success, adding that the sector needed to start seeing ‘proactive thoughtful support'