14% of farmers have taken some portion of their land out of production this Autumn, according to the National Farm Research Unit
New study reveals only 41% of consumers feel they have a 'fair or good understanding' of how their food is grown and produced
The retailer has joined Morrisons, Sainsbury's, Aldi and Ocado in introducing a 'Buy British' section for customers online
In 2023, the supermarket opened its 1,000th store and recorded its strongest Christmas ever with sales topping £1.5 billion
Families with young children are buying fewer fresh food items in a bid to save money, a new survey has revealed.
The future of apple and pear growing in the UK is ‘on a knife edge’ after it emerged that more than a third of planned orders for trees have been cancelled.
New packaging for Nemathorin nematicide granules has been created to enable clean and efficient operation during potato planting.
Young Farmers’ Clubs (YFCs) have pledged to put local produce at the top of the agenda following a recent vote at the National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs’ (NFYFC) 90th Annual General Meeting in Warwickshire.