The NFU said the Government's initial claim that only 27% of farms will be affected by the new IHT policy 'materially underestimates the true proportion'. Their analysis found 'around 75% of commercial family farms will be above the £1 million threshold'
NFU deputy president David Exwood said it was ‘very clear that tenants will be impacted' by the Government's IHT proposals
This week from Farmers Guardian's online editor Emily Ashworth
Steve Reed told Farmers Guardian he was not concerned about a farmers’ strike following the London protests
This week from Farmers Guardian editor Olivia Midgley
Tenant Farmers Association said they had asked the Treasury if it knew how many APR/BPR claims were made from landlords with multiple tenancies, and was told it could not provide the data
NFU president Tom Bradshaw said the situation around Inheritance Tax changes will be only be resolved by sitting down with the Chancellor Rachel Reeves ‘but at the moment she is refusing to meet with us'
Farmers Guardian reported live from the farmer protest on Tuesday November 19, and in this podcast you can hear Jeremy Clarkson's speech and from those who attended the rally
After weeks of planning farmers from across the country descended on London on Tuesday November 19, to oppose the Government’s new Inheritance Tax rules
Speaking to Farmers Guardian at today's demonstrations, Sir Ed Davey said the failures of the previous Government meant the Budget was 'the straw that broke the camel's back'