Love British Food’s annual celebration, British Food Fortnight, aims to celebrate British farmers and the organisation’s work to put home-grown produce back on the map. Emily Ashworth finds out more
The chair of Labour's Climate and Environment Forum Baroness Young said she hoped the ‘multi-functional' land use framework would be operationally ‘sustainable'
This marks The Crown Estate's first acquisition of a rural estate since 2014, and is part of its new rural strategy to create ‘long-term value for the industry'
'The reality is that the public and other businesses do not know what we do. And to be honest, why should they?'
Several innovative ideas are helping the Phipps family ensure the beef it supplies to Morrisons has as low a carbon footprint as possible
Applications for the new Integrated Natural Resources Scheme (INRS) are until September 27
The banking organisation has launched its 'Sustainable Farming Pathway' with the farming charity, Linking Environment and Farming (LEAF)
The farming union is calling for a 'renewed and enhanced multi-annual agricultural budget of £5.6 million'
This week's opinion from throughout the world of agriculture: Farmer and former lecturer at Myerscough College - George Parkinson
In honour of its 125th anniversary, Morrisons held a discussion at this year’s Great Yorkshire Show, where guest speaker Jack Bobo discussed the idea of sustainability alongside a Morrisons panel