A round-up of this week's livestock sales, including Melton Mowbray, Carlisle and Gisburn
Catch up with what has been happening at livestock sales this week
Disruptive weather conditions as a result of storm Bert, delayed the arrival of some spectators to the Scottish National Fatstock Club's LiveScot event at Lanark market, but there was still a big crowd to watch the judging. Lynsey Clark reports
Ram lambs sold to £65,000 at Lanark's two-day sale of Blackface rams where 98 ram lambs averaged £7,938, up more than £3,000 on the year, with 273 shearling rams averaging £2,648
The centre record for a Beltex ram lamb was broken at Lanark when the pre-sale show champion, Faughhill Kealey, from Grant and Katie Maxwell, Melrose, sold for 21,000gns
The Scottish National Texel sale at Lanark peaked at 70,000gns but averages were down on the year.
A ewe lamb from Messrs Gibb, Cairnton, led the trade at 1,900gns at the Suffolk Supremes sale of pedigree females at Lanark