International factors are driving the grain market, with the prospect of more Black Sea wheat and a delayed order for French wheat by the Chinese putting pressure on prices.
Political bravery is needed if the UK is to meet the unprecedented challenge of feeding a growing population and addressing climate change and biodiversity loss
Production costs and droughts were the biggest issues facing the Spanish farming industry, but the sector remains competitive despite the challenges it faced
Falls in feed prices have boosted margins for Brazilian cattle farmers
Brett Stuart, Global Agritrends co-founder identifies the key megatrends influencing the global protein industry
A mobile robot unit means cows can be easily milked while out grazing during the summer months
Over 25 million jobs are at risk due to a feed crisis
Farmers raise concerns about crop damage and livestock attacks
NFU made a recent wide-ranging visit to the US that included Midwest farmlands and Washington DC
Farm lobby groups call for lower imports with the price of durum wheat falling below the cost of production