Many farmers want to see a ‘fundamental change' in Red Tractor and will be ‘suspicious' of the assurance body's attempt of ‘papering over the cracks' with enhanced communication efforts
The supermarket has also introduced new stocking density requirements for its fresh chickens, aimed at improving their quality life
NFU president Tom Bradshaw said while the NFU response to the UK farm assurance review covers ‘some of the benefits' that assurance schemes offer, it also explains the ‘inescapable issues' that must be addressed
NFU president Tom Bradshaw said the union's response covers ‘some of the benefits' which farm assurance schemes provides, but it also covers the ‘inescapable issues' that must be addressed
Tom Porter has developed a new app, AgriAudit, with the ambition to 'reduce farmers anxieties around audits'
Commissioners leading the Farm Assurance Review have extended the deadline for responses to the farmer survey to September 7
The independent review of the UK farm assurance is expected to publish its findings at the end of this year
Cumbrian farmer Alistair Mackintosh has taken over the role of Red Tractor chair from Christine Tacon, who stepped down to 'avoid perceived conflicts' following her appointment to the Co-op board
With the recent announcement of its ‘Farming for Nature’ programme, Farmers Guardian's chief reporter Rachael Brown spoke to Waitrose’s Jake Pickering about the retailer’s relationship with farmers
As agriculture faces increasing pressure from sustainability drives, Marks & Spencer chair and farmer Archie Norman told the Future Countryside event why the industry should not lose focus of production