Orkney and Shetland MP and chair of the Efra Committee Alistair Carmichael recently presented a Bill urging Parliament to address supply chain unfairness and the imbalance of power dynamics between farmers and supermarkets
With COP29 taking place this week, Prof John Gilliland was in attendance on behalf of AHDB
Britain's world record-holding champion wheelchair racer speaks about being injured on farm when she was 14 years old
This week's podcast discusses the benefits of positive relationships between landlords and tenants
The Farmers Guardian news and business team discuss the manifestos and what they mean for farming
FG's news team discuss the political landscape after the local elections and new Scottish First Minister
Neil Wilson, executive director at the Institute of Auctioneers and Appraisers in Scotland, and Ellis Mutch, an Aberdeenshire auctioneer part of the ANM Group, joins us on the podcast this week
Drew Bailey says NFYFC is a place for everyone regardless of their background, sexuality or ethnicity
The NFU election candidates spoke about their priorities if elected
A look back at the power of diversity with Mike Duxbury, a blind farmer who provides opportunities for disabled people to get into farming, and Dourie farmer Rory Christie at the Oxford Farming Conference