Alex and Carlyn Paton have worked hard to expand and diversify their Ayrshire farm business, which includes an on-site factory making meat products from their cattle finishing enterprise
When John Bailey and Heather Benbow sold their vet practice, they embarked on a lifestyle change that saw them become farmers for the first time. Tom Hunt finds out more
An affluent urban fringe setting pays dividends for one family farm. Chloe Palmer reports
Andrew Brewer was recently crowned Carbon Farmer of the Year by the Farm Carbon Toolkit
The farming star’s latest book aims to show the public what a great way of life it can be in the countryside
Take a look at our farm dog of the month winners from Farmers Guardian readers. To add your dog to the gallery, please email [email protected]
Producing quality store cattle is the focus for the Swinbank family, with the Limousin breed proving instrumental to their success
Check out these classic farming photos from both FG readers and the FG archive. To add your photo to this gallery please email [email protected]
Changes are underway on one Surrey dairy farm, with a move from a milk delivery round to a mobile vending machine that has been supported by a crowdfunding campaign
"It has been a living hell for our family"