Baroness Kate Rock is hopeful that newly elected Labour MPs in rural constituencies are already talking sensibly about finding a way forward to protect farms from ‘oblivion’
Dan Hawes grew up on an arable farm in Suffolk and now produces strawberry and raspberry plants for the UK fruit market with Blaise Plants, sister company to Hugh Lowe Farms, Kent
Helen is a fifth-generation farmer who farms with her parents, David and Anne Shaw, husband, Craig, and their children, Alfred and Hattie, at Grey Leys Farm in the Vale of York. The farm comprises 162 hectares (400 acres) of grass, maize and wholecrop for the herd of 240 pedigree Jersey cows and more than 200 followers
After many years of complaining about dry springs here in Sussex, I finally got my comeuppance this year, with March and April both delivering more than 100mm of rain.