In response to Chancellor Rachel Reeves' Budget which has left many small family farms feeling uncertain about their future, national agricultural publication Farmers Guardian has launched a new campaign to back Britain's family farms
NFYFC's YFC agri chair Luke Cox said the proposed tax and wage changes 'threaten the continuity and viability of farm farms and rural diversification businesses'
Industry experts start to unpick what the changes to Inheritance Tax (IHT) reliefs mean for the farming sector
The Farmers Guardian news team give their analysis of the Chancellor's Budget
The CLA is asking farmers and rural businesses to sign a letter which will be forwarded to MPs
The mass lobby of Parliament will take place in Westminster on November 19
Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Climate Change Huw Irranca-Davies confirmed the carbon sequestration evidence panel would be reporting its findings to the ministerial roundtable 'anytime soon'
Farming industry awaits as speculation mounts around changes to Agricultural Property Relief, Inheritance Tax and fuel duty
This week from Farmers Guardian editor Olivia Midgley
TFA chief executive George Dunn said: "Short-term and restrictive tenancies are holding back progression, investment and sustainable land use. We can change this situation with reform of APR. However, serious damage will be caused if the Chancellor takes a knee-jerk, abolitionist approach"