Defra Secretary Thérèse Coffey is calling for closer ties between the UK and the US in order to forge a more secure and sustainable future for agriculture.
Staff at the Animal and Plant Health Agency (Apha) have today embarked on a two-week strike action to protest about pay and conditions.
Government ambitions to boost food production, protect nature and fight climate change, risk ‘overpromising’ on UK available land, a new report has revealed.
More than 100,000 people have signed an NFU petition calling on the Government to ban sky lanterns across England and Wales.
The Government has announced a raft of changes to its Environmental Land Management Schemes in a bid to encourage more farmers to sign-up.
The UK egg sector is facing a situation as catastrophic as the 2001 foot-and-mouth crisis, a prominent producer has warned.
Farmers have been told to ignore flood warnings ‘at their peril’ as the UK gears up for another winter of extreme weather which could see a repeat of the devastating storms that ripped through rural communities last February.
The horticultural industry has established a grower-owned working group to provide support to a successor body to AHDB Horticulture to take over processing of EAMU applications and emergency authorisations.
The war in Ukraine has prompted a call for Ministers to give the new Environmental Land Management (ELM) scheme a bigger budget.
Initial payments under the Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELM) cannot increase unless direct support is cut faster, Defra Secretary George Eustice has said.