New research has highlighted how breeding for good fore udder attachment and udder depth can help prevent cases of Udder Cleft Dermatitis (UCD)
It is after some smaller dairies and farmers have publicly distanced themselves from the new project following safety concerns raised by members of the public
Following significant investment in his family's dairy farm, Andrew Leggot is now focusing on achieving small improvements in efficiency
Vaccination, tag testing and biosecurity are identified as key to preventing BVD across UK dairy farms
Muller dairy farmers, who meet the conditions for Müller Advantage will receive a milk price of 40.25ppl from September 1
Smaller farms producing lower volumes have been impacted by the decision by the dairy giant
Management of bedding and grazing paddocks is crucial to controlling environmental mastitis infections during lactation and in the dry period
A mix of Holstein, British Friesian and Viking Red breeds has proved beneficial for the Blamire family who farm near Carlisle
Baled grass silage can be as good as clamped silage, says Volac silage scientist, Dr Mark Leggett, but it is essential to employ equal attention to detail when making it – starting by cutting grass at the optimum time.
Research has shown heat stress at any point during the dry period can affect the lifetime performance and productivity of the developing foetus