Graham Redman, partner at agribusiness consultants The Andersons Centre said the business aspect of farming was pressing on the farming community ‘even more so than ever before', and he urged farmers to look beyond the headline figures on Government environmental schemes, which he said could look appealing but came with ‘obligations' and ‘costs'
TFA chief executive George Dunn said he believes farmers should be encouraged to consider what investment they need in their businesses over a three-year period and then use those plans to apply for a level of annual grant to support those goals
David Morley, head of conservation and environment at H&H Land and Estates outlines some of the key changes to the options available
Applications for the new Integrated Natural Resources Scheme (INRS) are until September 27
The farming union is calling for a 'renewed and enhanced multi-annual agricultural budget of £5.6 million'
With now 102 actions to choose from in the latest Sustainable Farming Incentive announcement, NFU senior countryside adviser Claire Robinson runs through the new options
Our chief reporter Rachael Brown gives her analysis on this week's announcement from Welsh Government to delay the launch of Sustainable Farming Scheme to 2026
Farming Minister Sir Mark Spencer says Defra is confident the phase out will free-up more money for ELM schemes
The Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs Huw Irranca-Davies confirmed that BPS would continue to be available in 2025
The NFU is calling for the Government to recognise 'the extraordinary nature' of what has been the wettest 18 months since 1836, warning that many farms may be unable to survive