Amy works on her family’s tenanted farm at Halsall, Lancashire. Working mainly with her dad, Amy farms 285 hectares (704 acres) of arable crops and 550 beef cross cattle which are all reared through to finishing. You can follow her on Instagram @amygingewilkinson
Limousin bulls sold to a high of 14,500gns, averaging £7,333, down £133 on the year, for the 50 bulls sold at a clearance rate of 78%
Richard Hyde on family farm tax and 2024 trade
Matthew Middleton on cattle and lamb trade
Matthew Probert on the year in sales
Laura Millar celebrates Borderway Agri Expo
Ian Atkinson on this year's strong sales
Poignant moments for Scott Donaldson at H&H
Chris Dodds on fair prices and illegal imports
The latest averages across cattle, sheep and poultry at UK auction marts.