Winning and top price pen of lambs from Andrew Haggas
For the second year running the winning pen of 40 or more lambs were consigned by Andrew Haggas, Otterburn, whose Beltex crosses sold for the top price of £126/head to Tim Jackson, Preston.
The second prize pen, 40 Beltex crosses from Michael and Elaine Dugdale, Giggleswick, made £108 each. Stephen Robinson, Karesborough, took third prize with his pen of 48 Suffolks which sold for £90/head.
Ian Brown, Marske, and Chris and Tom Heseltine, Bolton Abbey, sold pens of Beltex to £120.
Best pens of Beltex and three-quarters-bred lambs regularly made £108-£120, with medium Beltex lambs £89-£105. The Beltex average was £113.12.
Texel cross lambs from Michael and Carol McKenzie, Arncliffe, sold to £118 to top breed prices.
Strong first-crossed lambs regularly sold at £90-£100, those with weight doing better at £100-£112. Good framed fresh Texel cross lambs made £82-£90, the younger lambs £70-£80, with very few selling at £60-£70. The Texel average was £87.83.
Suffolk lambs averaged £86.94 with Michael Parker, Winterburn, claiming a section top of £104.50 for a pen of 40.
Strongest Suffolks were £90-plus, fresh Suffolk lambs with frame made £80-£88 and a few pens of younger lambs sold at £71-£78.
The first North of England Mule lambs forward from Mick Crawshaw, Trawden, saw his 36 wethers sell for £77.50/head.
Auctioneers: CCM.