Exhibitors have praised a show committee in Yorkshire after hurricane-strength winds and rain threatened to put a stop to a major agricultural event. Storm Lilian wreaked havoc across Malham Showground...
Exhibitors have praised a show committee in Yorkshire after hurricane-strength winds and rain threatened to put a stop to a major agricultural event. Storm Lilian wreaked havoc across Malham Showground...
Commercial Secured Bridging Loans for Business
The Devon Cattle Breeders Society spring show and sale at Sedgemoor had a clearance rate of 85% for the bulls with an average of £5,453, up £1,072 on the year
Lincoln Reds led the trade at 8,000gns at the Farmers Guardian-supported multibreed show and sale of pedigree cattle at Melton Mowbray
A round-up of this week's sales, including Longtown, Worcester and Gisburn marts