In 2014 Jimmy Pritt signed a contract farming agreement at Whetstone Pastures Dairy, near Leicester and the holding currently supports a flying herd of 380 spring calving Holstein Friesians and Jerseys,...
In 2014 Jimmy Pritt signed a contract farming agreement at Whetstone Pastures Dairy, near Leicester and the holding currently supports a flying herd of 380 spring calving Holstein Friesians and Jerseys,...
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Keen to rear his beef cattle on home-grown proteins, Lancashire farmer Luke Gardner has also thrown bi-cropping into the mix
There has been a lot of interest in multi-species swards over the last few years and Lorna MacPherson, dairy consultant with SAC Consulting, says this interest is warranted
The Welsh Government has announced the next steps in tackling antimicrobial resistance in animals, which will include £2 million of new funding and the establishment of a new expert advisory group