Today, March 8, marks International Womens Day, and here Farmers Guardian has an exclusive video with Minette Batters, National Farmers Union President.
Across the globe, today on March 8 International Womens Day is being celebrated in various ways.
In our sector, we have a raft of creative, forward-thinking and innovative women who make up agriculture, from scientists to teachers; from vets to food producers.
In the video below, Farm Africa, a charity helping farmers in eastern Africa to grow more, sell more and sell for more, links up with Minette Batters who herself made history as the first female president of the National Farmers Union, to hear all about one female farmers journey and life in Africa.
Fundraising for Farm Africa
Minette and the NFU team will be running a marathon to raise money for Farm Africa. They are aiming to raise £10,000 between them so if you would like to donate, please do so here: