The world has thrown a few curve balls since I last wrote. My plan to share the joys and challenges of lambing season have taken a back seat.
Instead, the conversation has turned to the devastating invasion of Ukraine and the knock on effect this is having.
I was recently invited by The Farmers Union of Wales to an informal gathering of MPs, Assembly Members and representatives of various organisations during the Welsh Labour Party conference, held on my doorstep in Llandudno.
Having never been to an event like this before and unsure what to expect, the canapes were a pleasant surprise, as was the topic of conversation on everyones agenda: food security.
I am not sure if conversations about food security are a direct result of Russias invasion of Ukraine, or if this terrible act has highlighted how reliant we are on others for our food.
I have read that 30 per cent of the worlds wheat comes from these two countries. Clearly, this will no longer be the case and questions will turn to alternative providers for this demand. In the meantime, there will inevitably be shortages.
As farmers, we are key to UK food security.
The question is, how can we produce food to meet the demand when this same situation is also affecting the cost of fuel, fertiliser and feed.
It seems to me Government needs to act now to support us to feed our nation and, as a nation, we need to protect ourselves.
There should be no more reckless trade deals like the recent one with New Zealand, which sees an increased amount of lamb imported into the UK, duty free.
Like so many other farmers across our home nations, I am producing food for the country but am left vulnerable to the market price.
These are not new issues. But throw into this mix the biggest long-term risk to UK and global food production climate change and we really do have a lot of work to get our heads around.
Do we need to add sustainable food production to the list? What is clear is a lot rests with the farmer.
We need Government to step up with a clear strategy between food producers and retailers, and provide staffing solutions across the industry. We have the capacity to feed our nation but need support to deliver it affordably and sustainably.
On a lighter note, the ewes are a few days off lambing, looking well and enjoying the sunshine. Dare I say it, but after a week of warm weather, we could do with a shower to keep the spring grass growing.