From mud pies to cowpat discus, I loved every second of being brought up in a farming setting and give all the credit for who I am today to those who surrounded me in the process.
Sam Mather, 17, from Crewkerne, is working as an apprentice on a farm in Dorset and is a member of the National Federation of Young Farmers’ Club.
Born a farmers daughter, I cannot recall exactly when my love for farming first began I would spend every evening after school and weekends out on the farm with my parents and grandparents.
Hamish Evans, 25, a farmer and head grower at Middle Ground Growers, from Bath, Somerset.
Matthew Ingram, 26, is from Tamworth, Staffordshire and a member of Coleshill YFC in Warwickshire.
Michael Burley, 27, works as a head shepherd on an upland farm running 750 ewes and 80 head of cattle in the Rhondda Valleys, South Wales.
Clover Crosse, 25 is second in command on a 530ha arable farm near Salisbury.
Rhea Auton, 22, is studying to become a land agent in Northumberland.
Emily Jones, 24, is a safety adviser with CXCS, based in Herefordshire.
James Nixey, 26, is from Chinnor, Oxfordshire and works as a self-employed electrician while supporting and getting stuck in on the family’s mixed farm.