Renewable energy generators could have their revenues capped under the Government’s new Energy Prices Bill which looks to delink prices for energy produced by renewable sources from the price of gas.
Farmers are being urged to continue to monitor on-farm water abstraction in a bid to prevent a repeat of this year’s water shortage, the Environment Agency (EA) has announced.
Rural campaigners have welcomed news that the Government is considering a rethink regarding land that can be made available for solar farms.
Rural campaign body CPRE has warned that a return to fracking risks ‘breaking the countryside’ and ‘further hammering’ rural communities already hit hard by the cost of living crisis.
Not all politicians have the ‘gumption’ to take the hard decisions required to meet the Government’s net zero by 2050 target, a National Trust chief has warned.
Not all politicians have the gumption to take the hard decisions required to meet the Governments net zero by 2050 target, a National Trust chief has warned.
Oil giant BP has been accused of using ‘heavy handed’ tactics with farmers and landowners in order to push through plans for its first offshore windfarm.
A leading agrifood expert has claimed crops will not be grown in fields in 30 years’ time.
Farmers across the UK are being urged to consider the implications of allocating land for tree planting, after a US report showed carbon offsetting has a number of potential risks.
Most native broadleaf trees respond to cutting by sending up dozens of new shoots the following year a natural process which seems to have been overlooked by Government Ministers, policy-makers and non-governmental organisations with their futures invested in planting trees, says land economist Richard Edwards.