Landlords resuming land from tenants to plant trees under a disputed notice to quit will not be eligible for funding through the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO), Defra has confirmed.
A London-based private equity firm has been forced to meet farmers and residents after its plans to blanket plant farmland in Wales’ historic Cwrt-y-cadno Valley were met with outrage
The launch of an independent Tenancy Working Group to look at how tenant farmers can best negotiate the delivery of the new Environmental Land Management schemes has been hailed as a victory for the sector.
This year marks the 25th anniversary of George Dunn’s time as chief executive of the Tenant Farmers Association. Abi Kay spoke to him to discuss the past, present and his hopes for the future.
Landlords seeking to take land back for tree planting have been ‘frightening’ tenants with notices to quit, according to the TFA.
The Tenant Farmers Association (TFA) has accused Defra Minister Lord Benyon of giving a ‘completely incorrect’ account of a recent meeting with Farming Minister Victoria Prentis to the House of Lords.
MPs on the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee have warned farmers are at risk of going bust during a ‘haphazard’ transition away from the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS).
The Tenant Farmers Association has warned landlords are pursuing rent rises more fervently this year to cushion the blow of upcoming Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) cuts.