Beaver numbers in Scotland have more than doubled in the last three years to around 1,000 animals, according to a NatureScot survey published this week.
A push to plant trees across Scotland has driven marginal grazing land prices up, with a knock-on effect on better land.
The Board of Trade, a Government body headed up by Trade Secretary Liz Truss, has claimed buying local food is ‘not always the most environmentally sustainable choice’.
Farmers have reacted angrily to a threat from Welsh Rural Affairs Minister Lesley Griffiths to ‘close’ chicken sheds in order to tackle water pollution.
The Government has announced that funding to help English farmers tackle water and air pollution on their land will be doubled.
When it comes to land use in Scotland much attention is focused on increasing forestry cover, but the Scottish Government’s plans for peatland restoration are equally ambitious.
Farmers have raised concerns about the UK Government’s new tree planting grant scheme, warning it is ‘deeply unattractive’.
Farmers have raised concerns about the UK Governments new tree planting grant scheme, warning it is deeply unattractive.
Projects to create new woodland, deliver natural flood risk management and improve water quality are among an initial 27 schemes to benefit from a new fund to drive private investment in nature, Defra and Natural England have announced.
A cohort of farmers is calling on the Environment Agency to take action on a stretch of river before more homes are flooded and crops and wildlife habitats destroyed.