As Glastonbury Festival is held on Worthy Farm this weekend, farmers have been warned to consider the tax implications of hosting events on-farm
Diversified businesses on South Uist are facing cancellations after ferry services were suspended
Farmers looking to invest in renewable energy to save themselves from high energy prices are left increasingly frustrated by poor grid connections.
An intuitive approach to sustainable energy use has seen Jonny Crickmore and his family install a unique system to harness energy for their dairy farm, raw milk, cheese and butter making diversifications. Hannah Park finds out more.
Government ambitions to boost food production, protect nature and fight climate change, risk ‘overpromising’ on UK available land, a new report has revealed.
More than 3,000 people took part in a demonstration on Dartmoor at the weekend, following a High Court ruling to ban wild camping.
With agritourism ventures growing in popularity across Scotland, Ewan Pate spoke to the farmers diversifying at the Scottish Agritourism Conference.
Failing to consider insurance implications at the planning stage could put an end to any new diversification enterprise before it starts.
Sustainability, high quality, animal welfare and the sense of community are the things which make farmers most proud to be part of the UK industry.
Broadcaster Jeremy Clarkson has announced the closure of his Diddly Squat Restaurant after falling foul of the local council.