A new deal should treat farmers as 'trusted, talented and tenacious allies', says MP Tim Farron
The former First Minister of Wales said he would not seek re-election
CLA president Victoria Vyvyan has warned that without making assurances warns of risk of rural landlords deciding to sell up
Applications for the new Integrated Natural Resources Scheme (INRS) are until September 27
The Farming and Countryside Programme (FCP) annual report revealed a £130 million underspend of the agriculture budget for 2023/24 alone
With cases of bluetongue now reported as far north as Yorkshire, FG chief reporter Rachael Brown spoke to the UK, Welsh and Scottish Chief Veterinary Officers on the current situation
Peer expresses her 'disappointment and bewilderment' but vows to fight on for tenant farmers
This week from Farmers Guardian's Head of News and Business Alex Black
"More extreme weather will make farming more challenging, so we must continue to support our farmers to produce enough food whilst also rewarding sustainable practices which ensure we reduce emissions"
The farming union is calling for a 'renewed and enhanced multi-annual agricultural budget of £5.6 million'